How to Cancel Shipments

The cancellation process varies based on the label's status and whether the shipment is in transit. Here’s a guide for each scenario.

How to Cancel Shipments

Go to the Manage Shipments section in your dashboard, select the shipment, and click Actions > Cancel Shipments

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Multiple shipments can be cancelled at once. For warehouse clients, cancellations must be done through the warehouse management system (WMS).

Cancelling Generated Shipments

If a generated shipment is cancelled, the payment will be credited to your account within ten business days after the label is voided by Easyship.

As the transaction has already occurred with the courier, extra steps are required by Easyship to ensure the label is void before refunding the cost. 

The amount will appear as a credit on your account and can be withdrawn in the dashboard's Account> Payment Methods section.

Cancelling Rejected or Pending Shipments

If the label hasn't been generated, the payment is instantly credited to your Easyship account. These shipments are found under Manage Shipments > Pending and Manage Shipments > Rejected.

Cancelling In-Transit Shipments

In-transit shipments cannot be cancelled since the label is already in use. However, if the tracking rating is Excellent or Regular, you can contact support to request a return.


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