This article will explain how the manually update the status of a delivered shipment that has not yet been updated via the Easyship dashboard.
Note: This option will only be available when the shipment status is as follows:
In Transit
Out for Delivery
Unsuccessful Delivery Attempt
To be returned
No Recent Tracking Updates
Lost by Courier
Step 1: Navigate to Manage Shipment>All
Step 2: Open the shipment details by clicking on the 3 dots found on the right-hand side of the shipment
Step 3: Below the Status History section, click “Mark As Delivered”
Step 4: A confirmation alert will be displayed, click “Mark As Delivered” within the alert window
Step 5: The shipment status will now be changed to delivered and should be displayed as such via the dashboard and tracking page.
NOTE: Once you mark the shipment as Delivered, no further updates will be received. This process cannot be reverted and will change the available actions to match that of a delivered shipment.