How to Ship From Multiple Locations

When creating shipments, you can switch through addresses easily with the multi-address function. In addition, you can now automate your origin address with shipping rules. This article will run through both features in detail.

Note: If you wish to ship from multiple origin countries, check out the following article: How to Ship From Multiple Countries on Easyship

Adding Multiple Addresses

To add multiple addresses, go to Accounts > Addresses. At the bottom of the page, click Add a New Address.


Proceed to select a country of origin, and enter the address:

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Change Origin Address When Creating Shipments

When creating a shipment and entering the sender address, select a saved origin address by clicking the drop-down menu pictured below.


Alternatively, enter an origin address manually by toggling a current address to No. The address entered will automatically save for future use. 


This feature can be accessed when Creating Shipments in Basic or Advanced mode. 

Automate Origin Address With Shipping Rules

You'll need to create a shipping rule to automate origin addresses based on specific shipment conditions. Navigate to Settings > Shipping Rules.



In this example, if a shipment is going to California, we want to ship from a San Fransisco facility to save money. We'll name this rule California Warehouse. Sart by setting the following condition: Destination state or province is - California. Make sure to save the condition after selecting. 


Now on to the Action: New action is Ship From and then proceed to select an existing address.


Click Save and Create your Shipping Rule. It should look like this in your Active Shipping Rules. 


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