How to Bulk Edit Shipments

Bulk edit your shipments in the Create Shipments > Advanced section of your dashboard. This article guides you through the process of bulk editing orders in preparation for shipment. 

How to Bulk Edit Shipments

Step 1: Navigate to Create Shipments > Advanced. Select the orders you wish to bulk edit.




Step 2: Click More > Bulk Edit Shipments once your orders are selected. 



Step 3: Choose a property to edit, and apply the change. In this example, we are changing all orders to include Insurance.





Q: Are there any other properties to edit than what is displayed?

A: Everything shown is what we currently offer, but we are always adding based on user needs. If you have any recommendations, we'd love to hear from you.

Q: Is there a limit to shipments I can update at once?

A: Though there are limits to the number of shipments shown on a page, if you select all, there are no limits to the number of shipments you can bulk update. 

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