Using Electronic Trade Documents (ETD)

If you're using FedEx Compatible, you can enable Electronic Trade Documents (ETD) for your shipments, allowing you to send paperless invoices directly to FedEx's system, saving both time and resources.

How to Set Up ETD 

1. Go to the Couriers section on your dashboard and select your linked FedEx account. If you haven't linked it yet, refer to the article Link Your FedEx Account.

2. Upload Required Documents:

  • Letterhead: Recommended size is 700x50 pixels, max 30 KB (GIF/PNG).
  • Signature: Recommended size is 240x25 pixels, max 30 KB (GIF/PNG).


3. Toggle the ETD button after uploading your letterhead or signature.
If you encounter the error message "unable to retrieve letterhead," contact the support team for assistance.


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